War Dragon

War Dragon
Here my new model available on the assetstore ! :slight_smile:

assetstore link

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more screenshots

Here a video of the included demo :

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Here a version with HairDesigner :smile:

Hello Kalagaan … I just bought the War Dragon and I want to know if it’s possible to set the fire in your animation. I tried to change the particle system but it does not work. I have created a nice little world with some friends and we would like to install your dragon inside with the possibility of seeing him spit fire only once in a while! Thank you for telling me if it is possible and especially … how! thank you again and congratulations again for this artistic achievement. You can answer me directly on my email: ianiskiliakis@yahoo.fr

you have to add a FireFX prefab to the scene and assign it in the dragon controller.
you can create another prefab with your own particle system :slight_smile:
Then the fire intensity parameter in the dragon controller will control the FireFX prefab.
Have a look to the demo :wink:

Friendly bump. Was browsing http://www.assetstoredeals.com/ and saw this was on sale, so i had to bought it.

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Thank you
I didn’t know this website :slight_smile:

Just in case you didn’t know this thread: https://discussions.unity.com/t/627032

I love to browse that thread, and it’s quite active. Every now and then i also check http://www.assetstoredeals.com/ because it’s easy to miss something (like this war dragon) if it’s in long text list.

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Thank you :slight_smile:
very interesting thread!