WarArm - Online FPS

Hi, I’m marf, the founder of the WarArm project, a multiplayer fps made in Unity3D.
At the moment we are focusing on the gameplay but we also have a multiplayer system with different modes that is already working.

The video below shows the weapons that now are in game: all the weapons were made by us, only the Barret and the Desert Eagle are placeholders.

Hope you like it.

We have already fixed the muzzleflash problem in the Ak47, so, if you see any problems with it, don’t worry: it’s fixed.

I will post a new video when I’ll have a new update


Nice Terrain
Nice Environment
The model of the arms looks odd.
The knife with the arms looks over used since alot of people make there knives that same exact way.
Anyway looks fun
Nice Job.
Ever Need a Trailer or Logo Done I’ll give you a discount since you have a great game already.

Thank you for the message!

I really like the models with the guns and arms. They look very good and the animation are even better :slight_smile:

Keep the good work up! This could become a very nice multiplayer FPS!

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

I really like it, cant wait to play the game. b.t.w you said link it instead of like in the first post

Thank you very much, I fixed it :slight_smile:

Looking good! Two things:

  • The way you have the character holding the pistol is WAY wrong… It should be held mainly with the right hand with the left hand as a steadier.
  • Your SCAR-style weapon has no back iron sight.

Hi jeremy and thanks for the suggestions: we have fixed the holding of the DesertEagle. In our SCAR-L there’s only the front iron sight and not the back one.

Looking good.

When you aim to the sniper scope, add some depth of field and some motion blur on it, would look nice.


You are italian Right? WarArm is a italian Team? please add me on skype Gokussj58

@fano_linux, thank you.
@MiHai93 I already got you in my contacts: I’m marco.fontana95

Added bullet ejection:

wow nice job!

Just a suggestion, you should make when you hold a gun a animation that the hands are moving so is the gun in the player’s hand so it is not in their hand frozen same with a knife I think there should be animation of moving fingers, hands around etc.

Oh yeah, we added it, in the video isn’t showed, but we have it!

Cool! Only shells should be ejecting though, not the whole unfired bullet. lol

Looks great, just one thing to help with the realism in the game; Make it so whenever you fire a gun whatever it hits has a changed physical appearance, For example a hole or black area around it ( For more explosives and RPGs. ) Good work!

Yeah, we have it but it isn’t displayed well: it’s a problem of the terrain collider, we are trying to fix it.

New update:

We need to fix the trail render of the bullet and the weapons of the soldier!

Thanks for the support!

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