Warbeast/Minotar Character [Wip]

Hi. Im currently in the process of animating this guy, once he is done he will go straight on the asset store.

What do you think? Any suggestions?

I have done walk, run, death, attack, headbut, roar, idle and will do a few more.

You could make a few gifs with animations but overall this one looks great!

Im not sure about how many anims to do. Should I just stick with what ive got? or should I do more?

I do not know, I’d check the store and take a look at other models, get an idea how much they’re offering in terms of animations.

Uh… Awesome model.

This is the weapon he will comewith. I was thinking of doing a pack that has some extra weapons like a mace, sword and shield or 2 axes. this would require alot more work though.

Do you think that it is better to sell a pack with different weapons and anims or just the one?

No Images showing for me.

Latest Chrome, Win8 Pro

Works for me with FireFox, you should use a decent browser : p

Works for me with Firefox also.

Although you can’t call firefox decent compared to chrome ;).

Model and textures look great.
I’d stick it up with a walk cycle, run cycle, attack animation and a death animation.


yea, i can’t see any screenshots

Yeah its a bit strange. I can see it in firefox but not chrome…

Obviously i can : D

Hm, it is weird. I am sure I’ve seen the picture earlier, it is a minotaur headed dude with some skulls on its shoulder. But now I don’t see the picture too. Maybe one was at home, the other is at the workplace.

I only use firefox on both places, so it is not a fox-chrome issue i think.

Re: attachments - it’s some forum issue. The image is there, but it shows as a 1x1 transparent image on some browsers, but as a real image in some others.

For me:
Firefox stable, Chrome Dev: 1x1 image
Chrome Canary, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera: real image

If I try changing my Chrome dev’s user agent to mimic IE 7, it magically starts working.

Apparently the forum code simply doesn’t serve the image under some browsers. It’s trying to serve some different HTML and stylesheets along with it it and it’s just failing. Who knows, it may be redirecting some users to a faulty CDN server too.

Firefox is NOTHING compared to Chrome. This is a forum issue, not a browser issue. I’d try another one though,


These are the current animations in the web player.

Almost done :slight_smile:

That’s pretty cool, dude! Love the detail.

What do you estimate the cost to purchase will be?

Thanks :smile:.

Im having a hard time with that… I was thinking of pricing it at around $50.

$50? No way!

I’d pay $100. It’s your model though but reward yourself because you are good at what you do. Nevertheless if you do sell it at $50 I’d purchase! :slight_smile:

Thanks man. Yeah its a hard choice. I dont want to price it too low but I dont want it to be out of reach either.