Warcraft Trailer, what's your thoughts? GO!

So as the title said; what’s everyone’s thoughts on the Warcraft trailer? Are you still looking forward to it as much as before?

Personally the Orc voices annoyed me, they’re not deep enough!

You are not related to Bill Roper are you? From the original Warcraft.


I’m skeptical. Most movie ports of games are underwhelming. I want it to work and be awesome. I’m just not confident it will be.

Blizzard’s CG department is maybe the best in the game industry. Problem is, that’s where they do most of their best work. Blizzard CG in a movie would be massively out of place when juxtaposed with real people. You can already tell from the trailer that it looks odd. It would be one thing if they did the whole movie in CG, but the CG/Live-action is tough to do well and I don’t really think they can handle it.

Beyond that, it just feels like another fan-service cash grab. And if Chris Metzen has anything to do with it, I just don’t see it ending well.

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Feels like too much of a prelude to really fit into the current Warcraft scene.


Seems like fun but obviously an RPG will have everyone thinking their own situation is most relevant from that game, so it will be incredibly hard for the film to remain neutral and so the whole alliance / horde thing is pretty much all you can do.

In short I’m not expecting any surprises and nor should anyone else. It’s just fun popcorn time.

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It’s come a long way since I used to dial up a friend to play against him. Course that was the original. None of this “world of” crap. I tried Wow once. Made my character - spent a good long time picking just the right one - and the SECOND I logged in, some kid named “bAtMaN” started following me sayin “I am bAtMaN” over and over and over. And just when I thought it was over, he jumped out from behind a building and said, well, nothing new.

This preview reminds me of that. It looks decent, like perhaps it might not be so bad. Then came the orcs. Perhaps I should haven’t watched it after just watching Five Armies again last night. Perhaps I should have cleansed my palette with a SyFy Saturday night movie.


warcraft 2 was cool
never played any others lol

oh i played warcraft 3 … too cartoony bleegh … same with wow but i never played it

suure… warcraft 2 was cartoony but like, with the graphics it has you remain able to believe its more realistic … or something

idk like for me best games ever made are like
Myth 2 Soulblighter, Stalker, Morrowind

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Don’t recall seeing the trailer yet but it’ll probably be worth watching for the visual effect production values and so forth.

A couple of these were made about 15 years ago. What makes these game so much better than modern games? Surely the graphics must be much better now. I mean if you like realistic graphics that is what they seem to still be striving for and have pretty much achieved at this point.

focus on graphics is just dumb dont care at all
gameplay of high graphics games are sorely declining
…GTA5 was crap… its obvious they had too much focus on graphics,
it has the least amount of missions of any GTA yet, and most are like half missions, and then they took out soo much

Morrowind is WAY better than Skyrim (except combat)… idk something about it hard to pinpoint.
felt more lore vibrant … like, Skyrim just feels like a medieval game but Morrowind had like hidden artifacts, and there was like slaves to rescue, more varied architecture and settings, there was more sense of exporation, wanting to see new things … but Skyrim most the world feels the same
biomes skyrim: snow, autumnish place, geysers, grasslands, mountains, swamp, uummm…
biomes morrowind: grassland, swamp, hills, mountains, ashlands, red ashlands, mushroom forests, islands, grazeland (like serengeti i guess)
BUT… TES lore wise morrowind is supposed to be the melting pot of cultures, and skyrim is mostly Nords … like vikings … they should remake Morrowind lol, TESO sucks quit 30 mins into beta lol … lol spent like … idk 3000 hrs modding morrowind? LOL

oh my point of saying those games though is that i dont like cartoony stuff i like gritty stuff
myth is really bloody and brutal, stalker is really gritty and brutal, morrowind is kinda gritty
Oh Red Orchestra 2 is a badass FPS relatively new lol Cod, Battlefield, CSgo SUCKS BAD!

you know what, old games they just had a cool idea and they went with it,
nowadays they have all this graphs and marketing analytics and crap, totally kills soul of good ideas for games.

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Good thing this is a movie then isn’t it… :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah dude pressed my rant button lols


I constantly forget that side of the universe. While I very much enjoyed the RTS games, I never got into the rpg side. This makes being true to lore for all players even more challenging. As far as I am concerned Arthus still sits on the frozen throne.

Disappointing art style. Nothing epic or what could move me, way to generic. Story line is for kids.

CG = decent.
Orcs = way to expressive and sentimental
Humans actors = inexpressive and fade, looks like a movie with school teens.

I expected more.

I’m probably going to force myself to like it; even if it is disappointing. I just hope it doesn’t turn out to be Last Air Bender Shyamalamam

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I’ve seen Super Mario Bros in theaters back in 1993 so it can’t be worse than that… :smile:


I am definitely going to see it, as someone who played WC 1-3 a lot, it is almost impossible to let the opportunity to see it on the big screen pass me by… But that said, I have very low expectations of it. I cannot take lore seriously in a universe that has time travel, alternate univereses and resurrection used as frequently as they do. And in WOW, the whole orc v human thing where they try to make it seem like they are enemies, but then for the last 6 years we basically fight on the same side on everything WHILE fighting each other. It is like the USA fighting England in the revolutionary war while at the same time being teammates in WW2.

hey that was a good movie :smile:

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I’m expecting a LOTR style battle scene that takes up the entire movie.

It’d be funny if after taking potions or large attacks the characters complained about cooldowns.

-a guy gets hit badly
-guy drinks a healing potion
-guy gets hit badly again right after healing
-ally asks why he doesn’t take another healing potion
-guy states he can’t for another 43 seconds and he doesn’t know why!


Don’t forget, they all have to roll dice to see who get’s to take home the loot! :wink:

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