I just installed the newest upgrade and without changing a single line of code or modifying a single frame of animation on any model, I have run into a myriad of problems.
I have been getting a “Number of bind poses doesn’t math number of bones in skinned mesh” errors…well, I have not had that error ever, EVER, EVER, EVER any reason!
That’s not to say your problems are imaginary, but statements like “the upgrade kills your animations!” and “don’t upgrade under any circumstances!” (with all-caps and an excessive number of exclamation points) are just wrong and counter-productive. A better approach would have been to start a topic called “3.2 animation problems?” and ask if anyone else was experiencing issues, and what might possibly be done to solve it, along with details as to what exactly you’re doing, what 3D app you’re using, etc.
Well, that’s what happened. The only variable is the fact that I upgraded. You may not have had this particular problem, but I suspect your models are not smooth skinned animations. Unity must not let these update out if they are going to cause such chaos.
I worked for the last two months every waking moment to get the update for my game ready. In all that time I never once had this error, now, after the upgrade, I amgetting errors and the characters that animated smoothly not only loose their animation data but their scaling info as well.
It’s kinda a big deal…in fact, my game can no longer function at all under the current update.
Of course they are, or I wouldn’t have said anything.
It was thoroughly tested, and nobody else has experienced this as far as I know. I already said this, but perhaps you’d like to give details about what 3D app you’re using and so on. Otherwise nobody can really give much help or advice.
Blender 2.5. I have usen Blender for the entire project and it has worked perfectly until now. Again, the only tning that has changed is that I installed the upgrade. I did not change one single line of code or one frmae of animation. Now, each time I start the game a model starts coughing up that error. It is maddeming.
Not sure where you’ll find download link, but you could always reinstall whatever version of Unity you were using.
Next time:
-Backup project by copying files to a different location
-Install Unity to a new directory instead of upgrading whatever version you’re currently running. I know you can do it in Windows - not sure about OSX.
If your project is screwed up, continue using the old version of Unity with the backed up project files.
Blender 2.49 here. There hasn’t been any Blender 2.5 support in Unity until now, so it could be there’s some conflict (also generally why I’d use release versions of software for production work and not beta versions). Try resaving the files and see if that helps.
I made this video to show the problem and what I have done to overcome it so far. If anyone knows of a simpler or more automated method of handling this, please let me know.
If anyone from Unity is listening, please fix this. It was much better when I could just save my Blender file and Unity automated the exporter in the background.