Warning Message

Has anyone encountered this message when trying to import a game package? if so how would I fix this?

Hello @brittanyb09 ,

This message is telling you that the package that you’re using in the project that you’re opening, needs some other package or packages.

If you want to have your project working as expected, then you should press the “Install / Upgrade” button, which will import for you the additional dependencies.

Otherwise, you’ll have to import the other packages by yourself or remove the dependencies of the other packages, inside of your project.

Good luck with your project!

Thannk you so much but I got another error and I did press retry and this message keeps popping up. I had the 2D project downloaded like in the tutorial and then pressed open project

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I found a discussion of someone who had the same problem as you: importing unity 2Dgame kit shows some errors - Stack Overflow

I don’t know which version of Unity are you using, but maybe you can try to start over from scratch the tutorial with Unity 2019.1.

Good luck with it!