Warning on Android 11 : W/UnityAds( 5555): com.unity3d.services.core.device.Device.getNetworkType()

I have integrated Unity Ads in a test application through a plugin for Flutter and I am seeing this log only in the emulator with Android 11.

W/UnityAds( 5555): com.unity3d.services.core.device.Device.getNetworkType() (line:135) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission

In Android 10 I don’t get this warning.

Should I be worried?

In AndroidManifest I have these two permissions:

Hi @hellodadicode

Are you seeing this happening on a physical device or only in the emulator?

I’m seeing this too on physical device using logcat

@Kadir This issue is likely caused by a missing permission, we are aware of this issue, and it should not cause any issues in your application. If you wish to suppress it you can add the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to your manifest.

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