Warning on creating an array of class objects

Hi, i have a problem with creating an array of class objects.
I get the warning

You are trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the ‘new’ keyword. This is not allowed. MonoBehaviours can only be added using AddComponent(). Alternatively, your script can inherit from ScriptableObject or no base class at all
Weaponsscript:.ctor(Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32)
Weaponsscript:Start() (at Assets/scripts/Weaponsscript.cs:43)

lines(43 and near) are:

public void Start () {

		 weapons = new Weaponsscript[] { // 43 line
			new Weaponsscript(1, 1, "item1", 50, 500),
			new Weaponsscript(2, 0, "item2", 60, 750),
			new Weaponsscript(3, 0, "item3", 75, 1000),



public Weaponsscript(int type, int lvl, string name, int dmg, int costgrowth)

Array declaration

Weaponsscript[] weapons;

Thanks to all who answer.

MonoBehaviour’s are added using AddComponent<>. if you’re class doesn’t need to be a MonoBehaviour, don’t inherit from it…


a) Weaponsscript is pure c# and doesn’t use any Unity functions, in which case it can be treated like a regular c# class;


b) Weaponsscript is a Unity script, in which case it’ll have using UnityEngine; at the top and will derive from MonoBehaviour. These scripts do not use constructors, and instead get added to a GameObject in the inspector, or get added at run time using AddComponent(). (This is what the error message says, btw.)

There’s a pretty good documentation page on this here:

You don’t create instances of classes that inherit from MonoBehaviour directly. You make a new GameObject and then use AddComponent to attach your script.