A complete set of 4 polished and professional Warrior Mecanim Animation Packs, setup as Mecanim Humanoids with included Xbox360 gamepad compatible character controller script, ready to drop into your game.
Characters are setup with Mecanim’s Humanoid configuration so you can easily swap your own characters in, and they also have support for full 5 finger hands to accommodate high detail models. The provided Animation Controller is clean and concise, or just plug the animations into your existing setup. Characters use Root Motion for precise movement tracking and anti-foot slipping, with highly tweaked blending for perfect transitions.
I need help getting this (the free sample Warrior pack) animation going as I am getting an error (AnimationEvent ‘Hit’ has no receiver! Are you missing a component?). Can you please help?
I download Mage Warrior, but import to Unity 2019.4.18f1. It appears errors as below:
A game object can only be in one layer. The layer needs to be in the range [0...31]
SuperCharacterController:PushIgnoredColliders() (at Assets/ExplosiveLLC/SuperCharacterController/SuperCharacterController/Core/SuperCharacterController.cs:448)