I’m using Unity 2021.1.121f1 and 2d Tilemap Extras 2.2.3.
I figured out how to use the Random Brush (didn’t realize there was more UI I had to drag up to see for the longest time). But I don’t see any option for saving the configuration you have.
I need to be able to jump between my set of random grass tiles, a set of random forest tiles, a set of random mountain tiles, etc. This was trivial in the past when you create a random brush asset and save it.
Do I really have to reset the configuration every time you want to use this tool or am I missing something?
Should there be a Brushes menu option? I don’t even see that anymore:
Is there some incompatibility with my editor? I am using 2d Tilemap Editor 1.0.0.
This was removed from the package version of the Tilemap Extras. We are looking at creating a new UX for cases like this.
If you like to have this functionality, you can add the following script in your project, from https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/2d-extras/blob/master/Editor/Brushes/PrefabBrushes/BrushMenuItem.cs:
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps
static internal partial class AssetCreation
[MenuItem("Assets/Create/2D/Brushes/Random Brush")]
static void CreateRandomBrush()
ProjectWindowUtil.CreateAsset(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<RandomBrush>(), "New Random Brush.asset");
Thank you so much, I’ll try this out tomorrow!