Water Issues

I created a water plane but when I walk in the lake their is no water underneath the plane. I was wondering if I could fix this.

Unity default water is just a plane.

Hmm. The water from untiy it self is only visible from the top. So may some effects on the cam that it gets blue. But making like that the water refelcts down sun like in real to the lake ground well. Hard
To see it from the bottom you really need to code your own generated water. Unitys water is just texture and moving and shader. Really good water needs to be randomly making waves from a plane and the colors change so you need to generate a Ocean out of a plane.

if anybody knows the answer to this issue pls tell me. Thnx!

In most games, water is a shader, which means that the system creates the illusion that something is there when actually it’s not. You can however make an object render a shader by matching their tag values. In your case, the water only appears on top because it is rendering a plane which does not fill the entire depth of the water source.