Water shader for HDRP?

Aquas, which is a very decent water shader, doesn’t currently support HDRP. Does anybody know of a water asset on that can be used with HDRP?

for now is only option to make own water shader with shader graph

Checkout R.A.M 2019, I don’t have it but I know it supports multiple HDRP versions.

CREST… great asset and they are working on a HDRP version.

Crest for the win if they can make it look just as tropical in HDRP.

I used AQUAS and I loved it, but it looked really bad in linear colour space when I tried to used it that way, then it breaks totally, in HDRP. so I’ve been trying to re-create something similar in shader graph. i’m having trouble getting the blending working, i’m not even sure if we’re supposed to be doing HDRP water with surface shaders now? maybe there is a better way, like transparent liquid and volumetric fog or something? anyway, this is what I was able to get so far: