Water System for the High Definition Render Pipeline

Can we not skip out on water interactions in case that is not at the top of the list?


i assume it will be on the next a17 or a18?

‘Officially released’ would mean at least tech stream versions, so Beta not alpha so Q2 ~Q3 maybe

ah i see, gotcha.

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Still very interested in this.

Do you have plans to make water interaction system so we can get nice dynamic waves and ripples from objects and characters? Would be even cooler if this system will be shadergraph based. This will open us possibilities to add ripples to our custom materials like vertex blended puddles or decal puddles. Nice example from des remake

P.S. would be nice to have this thread pinned



So you can already override the local displacements with your local water simulation in the current state using shader graph. That said, we plan to offer an out of the box way to do it so that you just have to inject perturbations


It is already kind of the the case, you can specify the radius of the planet on the infinite water surfaces that said for water right now it is purely visual (which mean that it is a round planet that follows you and we plan to unify the planet settings somewhere in the future.

(old video, don’t mind the rendering, just to showcase the spherical earth)




You can do that with my asset called WaveMaker (you can find the link in my signature, or in the asset store). It also includes optional buoyancy and other effects if you’re interested, but that basic effect is available since the first version and you can use your own shaders in whatever pipeline you like. Mesh is updated realtime and very fast.
Some simulation data is available to gather and use it, and planning to export more and more.


Nice asset Lidia.

I noticed your profile links to your version 1.0 and not your 2.0 version, just an fyi if you weren’t aware.

Oops. You’re right. It’s a bitly link to gather statistics. Thanks for that , I’ll fix it. :slight_smile:
Sorry for talking about my asset, I just wanted to let people know about this very different approach. It’s hard to differenciate between different assets, that’s why I added an explanation in the asset description for that.

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Brace, foam improvements are coming (sorry for the video quality, youtube compresses a lot).


When can we expect Unity 2022.2 alpha?

Given the time of the year, I would not hope for something sooner than early January.
Also keep in mind that there’s a delay between what improvement is posted here and and what will be included in the first alpha. Only the first iteration of the water will probably be included in the first public 2022.2 alpha, the rest has been done a bit after so will follow late january / early february… etc


Here are some in progress videos.


Great stuff, thank you for sharing this!

You always doing great. How we can do lens effect when camera is out of water?

Can it do big waves (aka Sea of Thieves)?

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