Water Vortex Effect.


I need some help with a Water Vortex effect…
I tried using the Animated Texture script from the Unify Community,but that didn’t seem to do the work…

Any technique for making a water vortex effect?

Take a look at this if you don’t understand what I’m talking about:


Take a look at 0:23

any help?

im gonna take a stab at this and say it will have to be an imported prefab such as a 3D model. just texture it how you want and give it an animation that makes it spin…

You can get quite close with this already,

(i tried it with basic twisted model and the offset moves it in wrong direction at the middle,
I guess just needs suitable uv mapping in the model or different shape model itself)

Or just make the model spin itself ^ as suggested there

*edit: I placed the test scene here, Vortex test « Unity Coding – Unity3D


The placement of those rocks in the video doesn’t make much sense, in the real world it seems like they would prevent a maelstrom from forming… but whatever its WoW, we abandoned realism a long time ago.

It seems like it would be easier to model out a flat plane and then deform a funnel in the center of it, that way you can connect the line edges to other neighboring water body planes. Now as mgear suggests you WILL need to fix the UVs but this is a small price to pay. You’ll have an infinitely harder time trying to bore out a funnel into a flat plane of water or something like the bundled Pro Water.

Thanks for help :smile: