I cant see any mirror view in water WaterPro/Water3
when i use TreeCreator leaves Nature / TreeCreatorLeavesFast + billboard leaves
any suggestions with solve this problem?
I partially solved the problem.
In the script Water3, change the line 181 GL.SetRevertBackfacing (true) on GL.SetRevertBackfacing (false);
leaves reflected in the water, but the terrain is reflected incorrectly.
sorry for my bad english, I’m from Russia )
The reason why the water is not reflecting is most likely a problem with the camera that is used to simulate reflection. If when you put it into the scene (or accidentally deleted it) and additional cameras did not come into the game with it, then that is the issue.
If however, you DO have the additional cameras, it’s most likely the position/direction of the camera that is giving issue to lack of reflection (you can manually change it like a normal camera).
If when putting in the water no camera to create relfection was put in with it, I would suggest using a different water type that does.
Another issue you may be having is the leaf(ves) you added may not be visable. Check and see if the eye icon is open in your game.
Please tell me if this helped or not. There might be another issue you could be having but based on your discription I cannot tell.
Thanks for the help Alicia and Woolf. I think you’re on the right track Woolf. The billboard leaves aren’t double sided, so when the normals get flipped for the mirrored render, the billboards disappear. But, if we disable that GL.SetRevertBackfacing, everything else in the reflection is inside out. So instead, I modified my TreeCreatorLeavesFastOptimized.shader.
In the first SubShader group, add the “Cull Off” command and change the display name to “Nature/Tree Creator Leaves Fast Optimized”.
Shader "Nature/Tree Creator Leaves Fast Optimized" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_TranslucencyColor ("Translucency Color", Color) = (0.73,0.85,0.41,1) // (187,219,106,255)
_Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range(0,1)) = 0.3
_TranslucencyViewDependency ("View dependency", Range(0,1)) = 0.7
_ShadowStrength("Shadow Strength", Range(0,1)) = 1.0
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
_ShadowTex ("Shadow (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
// These are here only to provide default values
_Scale ("Scale", Vector) = (1,1,1,1)
_SquashAmount ("Squash", Float) = 1
SubShader {
Tags {
"RenderType" = "TreeLeaf"
LOD 200
Cull Off
Pass {
Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }
Name "ForwardBase"
You’ll also need to copy Tree.cginc and TreeVertexLit.cging to wherever you save this shader.
Make a new material with this shader, and use the textures from the generated Tree_Textures folder. Then use this material to replace the “Optimized Leaf Material” on your tree root node. Worked for me