WAV files not included in iOS build, but still work?!


I recently upgraded to Unity 5. Previously, when making an iOS build in Unity and looking at the editor log it would list all the assets that are included in the build along with their sizes. These assets would be listed under “Used Assets, sorted by uncompressed size” in the log. This is a great tool for determining where you can save space to keep under the iOS 100MB download limit.

However, since Unity 5, none of my WAV files (that are still in resources folders) are included in this list and the total build size is about 40Mb smaller (because of the missing WAV files). Yet, those sounds still play when I test it on device. This confuses me.

Obviously these files are still being included in the build but aren’t being listed and counted towards the full build size. Does anyone know what is going on there?

Just an update on this, all o the wav files that are missing from the build log also seem to take a while to load and play when they are triggered in game. They eventually work, but they load very slowly… I’m not sure what is happening here.