Wave-system, need help

I need help with a wave system. I want the wave system to be something like this:

  1. Wave 1 start(5 enemies)
  2. When wave 1 is completed(all enemies == dead)
  3. Start timer(30 sec)
  4. Send Next Wave(5 enemies)
    and so on.

But the problem is that I can’t programming so well and have tried to find out how to do it but no sucsess.

Thanks for any help

hey man , i’m very interesting in TD (tower defence) script, please send me important function about it, when you catch up…
thank you, hassan faghihi.

You need to use something like this:

var wave = float;
var enemyCount = float;
var enemyPrefab = transform;
var countDownNumber = float;
var roundNumber = float;

countDown : countDownNumber(Time.deltaTime)-1.0(Time*deltaTime);
round : instantiate(enemyPrefab)*(enemyCount*roundNumber);

function Update () {
   if () {
      countDown <= 0;
      round = true;

Something like that I think… I’m not sure. If it does work let me know. If it doesn’t then I’ll work on it and try to fix it if I can.


Thanks, but it still dosen’t work.
It says that it expecting EOF on 7,1 countDown : countDownNumber(Time.deltaTime)-1.0(Time*deltaTime);

You can use the Invoke function to call a function after a given time delay:-

// Call the NewWave function in 30 seconds.
Invoke("NewWave", 30);