I’m implementing a custom URP Opaque Pass (to output MRT and stencil for my custom Rendering Effect), and the only problem I have left is to check the URP Depth Priming state to be able to set DepthState in my shader properly. Similar to this (DrawObjectsPass.cs#L219).
The only way I found to almost get to what I want is to mirror this function from Unity URP (Graphics/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Runtime/UniversalRenderer.cs at fc267ad41df7e0cf39300c4c4d57dd1dc890c054 · Unity-Technologies/Graphics · GitHub).
The only problem I have left is to be able to access this variable UniversalRenderer.renderingModeRequested that was set to internal (Graphics/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Runtime/UniversalRenderer.cs at fc267ad41df7e0cf39300c4c4d57dd1dc890c054 · Unity-Technologies/Graphics · GitHub).
Question is, is there some other way for me to access this variable without Reflection or some other way to detect URP’s Depth Priming state?