Waypoints- I want to add on to this script

How would I rewrite the following to add more waypoints?



The following script is attached to the moving object. (waypoint.js)

var start : Transform;
var end : Transform;
private var timer : float;
var travelTime: float;

function SetWaypointPath(s : Transform, e : Transform)
   if(s != start  e != end)
      start = s;
      end = e;
      timer = 0.0;

function Update()
   timer += Time.deltaTime;
   if(start != null  end != null)
      var percentage : float = timer / travelTime;
      transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start.position, end.position, percentage);   

Here is the waypoint spot script (waypointTrigger.js)

var waypoint1 : Transform;
var waypoint2 : Transform;
var way : waypoint;

function OnTriggerEnter (zone : Collider)

Hi Greg,

There is a code snippet about waypoint on Unity wiki which is called “Seek Steer”. It’s in C# though. But the method is that you make a waypoint object you can duplicate in your 3D world and with a simple incrementation, you can have a huge number of points. Maybe it can provide you some help.

Can’t you do that in your .js script ?

EDIT: Here is the code.


Thanks for the link Darsh.
I tried the code, but need the waypoint array to constrain to one plain. I appreciate your help!



If you need to constrain the points to the XZ plane (for the ground, say) then it is easy to modify the code to do this. A nice way to go is to define a vector called xz:-

Vector3 xz = Vector3.right + Vector3.forward;

…and then use Vector3.Scale to multiply this vector by the waypoint position:-

Vector3 waypointXZ = waypoint.Scale(xz);

If the plane is not one of the axial planes, then it’s probably possible but might be more difficult.