Ways to trigger cinemachine dolly shot in game as a cutscene

I’m in the process of learning Unity. I’ve created a game using the VRITK which includes a fighter jet from the asset store. I have added the cinemachine component and created a dolly shot with a camera and track of the jet taking off from the jet’s viewpoint that I want to use as a cutshot to move the player from one island to another.

What I am wanting to do is when the player touches the jet have the camera switch to the jet’s view and run the dolly shot then after the jet lands at the new location place the player on the ground next to the jet and switch back to the player camera, resuming game play.

I’ve been trying to find a tutorial video, since that seems like it would be a common scenario, but haven’t had any luck. Any suggestions on where I could find something along those lines?

You will need to investigate Timeline for your cutscene. It can be used to initiate the Cinemachine camera.

Use a isTrigger collider to play the Timeline sequence.

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As it happens, I discuss this in a video at the bottom of this blogpost (last video, discussed at about 6:45). As @JeffG says, I simply use a Trigger collider to switch GameObjects off and on.

Here’s some code…which might be a little abstract…the levelEndTrigger is the GameObject I’m colliding with.

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (levelState == "outroComplete" && other == levelEndTrigger)
                // Do stuff like turning off and on GameObjects
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