Will’s Unity Fundamentals is an execellent book but sadley it’s the only book. We need someone now to write a book for intermediate users including such subjects as AI, waypoints, ragdoll physics etc.
I know there’s loads of stuff out there but I like a book.
Does anyone know if any more Unity books are being written or planned ?
I haven’t heard of any other books on those topics, but there are many game development books which deal with those concepts.
If we’re dealing with more advanced concepts like that, it should also be possible to take a general C++ game design book and apply those lessons and examples to Unity.
When the demand for a Unity-specific advanced game design book is high enough, someone will supply a new book.
I agree with you guys , but you should give this advertisement to unity community.We really need a book about scripting,where will be examples and explanation.Would be very cool
Maybe we could start to put together a Table of Contents, see if there are currently electronic/pdf or video tutorials already out there fitting a particular need,link to them, and then proceed to fill in the gaps ourselves.
At least putting together a list of what really is needed from the community in book form would help out a willing author.
Yes, I know such information and there are other books in the works (various stages, all are in may/may not happen states AFAIK), but I can offer you absolutely nothing more than that. Don’t complain please, you asked and I’m already at the grey edge of confidentiality by even confirming the existence of the Fight Club… m’kay?
Feel free to continue chatting amongst each other if you’d like, my job here is done!
I would recommend that anyone interested in collaborating on an open Unity book should get together (maybe here) and decide on a name for the book. Unibook anyone? The next step would be to set up the Wiki page and start working on a table of contents to outline sections that we all want included. Then, people could claim sections to write in a cooperative effort, and everyone could edit/proofread and improve all the chapters. Sounds like a good plan to me.
This is a few months old post, but among my searches for an intermediate/advanced book on Unity this came up. I think it’d be a great thing to have a community based Unity book. And if it ever happens I’d love to be a part of it. If any of you guys decide to give it a go could you let me know? Otherwise…The search continues!