Weapon Clipping Fix with Cutom Passes

Hello everyone,

I just switched my project to HDRP and camera stacking isn’t possible anymore. I also heard about “Custom Passes” and that there is a way to fix the weapon clipping bug with Custom Passes, but I don’t know how exactly this works since im a game developer for only 2 months. If someone knows a fix or a different solution, please tell me.


You have to create a custom pass that renders for the weapon and then set the depth evaluation so that the weapon renders on top of everything else.

probably this thread is not relevant anymore.This is just for those who reach here via search…

I have a solution that works to my satisfaction…

It is to identify how much it has clipped, and apply corrective displacement in the next frame.

The full procedure will be covered in my tutorial of “Third person controller from the scratch”