In my FPS game I have hands that use a two bone IK constraint to hold onto the weapon. However, my hierarchy has Character Object that is collider and moving script > Character mesh and armature and RigLayer object with rig layer > Right hand and left hand IK, under the original player object is also camera holder object which rotates > camera recoil rotation object > main camera > weapon layer camera > weapon position offset > weapon sway offset > weapon recoil position offset > weapon recoil rotation offset (at the back of the gun so it rotates from there) > weapon > left hand and right hand IK targets.
Through all this, the hand doesn’t seem to move correctly with the IK targets because of all of the transforms in between. I am wondering which objects in this to add the rig transform to because I have tried some and all and it doesn’t seem to work. Also another question I had is that the hand IK I assume would override any other animations playing on the character, at least for the hands, so how would I do a reload animation where the hands grab the mag? also both the weapon mag and hand would need to move for this animation so would the best way to do this be two separate animations on both objects playing at the same time and just make them line up?