Weapon Movesets and Player Animations

I’m working on a 2D Top-down game and I’m really struggling with figuring out how to set up my character animations. I will try to explain how I have things set up the best that I can…

  • My character is composed of multiple sprites in a hierarchy that contain a head, upper body, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, and hands.
  • Each weapon in my project has a unique-ish attack animation moveset (think Dark Souls).
  • There are Left hand objects that can be equipped along side One-Handed weapons, Like Shields, Spells, etc.

So, I’m really struggling on how to tie all this together. Weapons also include animations that are normally tied to a player object, like Idle, Run, etc. The moveset animations should also effect the Body of the player, like swinging a sword in an arc in front of the character should make his/her body turn with the weapon swing. I really don’t mind having to make completely separate full body animations for each specific weapon, but what about offhand equipment? How could I blend all these parts together? I’ve googled myself crazy at this point, and I can’t seem to find any helpful information about how Layers in the animator work. Sorry if this is convoluted or confusing, I’m having trouble putting all these moving parts into words.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Waitting for reply toooooo