Im working on a tool swap script and I want to be able to place this script onto my weapons group and have it affect the visibilty of all my weapons that are under this group.
I have coded this before however since a version jump it doesn’t seem to work anymore.
The way in which I am evoking the visibility is by declaring all of the weapons that im placing in the weapons group as game objects
and using the GameObject = GameObject.Find functions to locate the weapons.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Weapon_equipment_swap2 : MonoBehaviour {
GameObject metal_detector;
void Awake ()
GameObject metal_detector = GameObject.Find("FirstPerson Controller/Main_Camera/metal_detector");
void Update () {
metal_detector.renderer.enabled = true;
However when I do this I get a Null reference exception error which obviously means it can’t find the object.
So my question is how can evoke the visibility of all of my weapons without attaching any direct scripts to them but rather attaching one “master script” (if you like) to the group that contains all my weapons and handles the visibility from there?