Web Multiplayer Game

Hello Everyone :slight_smile:
I am completely new on Unity 3d, i have some experience with other plantaforms to create mobile 2d games, and some languages, i want to create a 3d multiplayer game on web, and i want to know, what i will need to make it, what i should use to develop be more easier, what languages types i need to know, as to create a web multiplayer game, maybe i need to know, database language, php, ajax ,etc, if you know and can, help with my question and all things that you think that can be good.

P.S: if you know some tutorials to help me with web multiplayer games, it is very good for me, and i know that first i need to learn the program and basic tutorials, but i only want to see my limit to create a multiplayer game, if is very complicated to only 1 person, what i will need in the future, those things :slight_smile:


Read through Unity’s networking, it’s free and good to get to know networking a bit.
Search the forum also on mutiplayer, you will a ton of info.

I do NOT reccomend making a online multiplayer until you have the money to afford it, and the skill to do it.

Watch this and skip to 00:40.

Read this too:

i love network, and want to work with servers, networks, web sites that work with networks etc etc, and online games on network, and want to understand and learn a lot about it, so it can be dificult but i want to learn it, so i will work on multiplayer game, i will buy a local server, only to test and configure it to the game, and when it is done, only need to import it to the others servers, so i worked with network websites, and know some about it, databases etc, and now i want to know what i need to do first etc, example:

  • to start i should configure the server for the game? if yes
 will start to learn about it.
  • to start i should do another thing?
  • etc etc

Don’t buy or rent a server, you’ll have plenty of time to do that afterwards.
Try the different tutorials around and then start learning.
Try out Unity’s networking, it’s free.

but how i can test the game?, not only the game, but game running via internet on server.
Yes i will learn and search on google and unity, for examples and tutorials
if anyone know some good things/tutorials to learn about online multiplayer games, it is very cool for me
Thanks again :slight_smile:

You don’t even need internet to test out networking.

I want to create multiplayer web browserbases game like travian ,tribalwars,bitefight,gladiatus etc. What program is the best for that. And if you now where i can find some totorials for that pls tell me.

That was the worst video have ever seen, seriously kid? The blind leading the blind much?

Edit: Made a drinking game out of your video, every time you say “server” have a sip’.

Unless I’m much mistaken, I think that was his point.

Do i real need a game server or can i use free web-host for making web player Game ?

you don’t need a server for a ‘webplayer game’, just upload the webplayer to your website.


I’m also fairly new to Unity but I think I’m at a point where I am putting the finishing touches on the single player component of my first game. Here are a couple of online tutorial videos that I found very helpful in my learning process:


Actually, just realized that all of the 3d Buzz tutorials are linked to on this sticky thread in the teaching section:


I would start off with learning unity 3d and then learn multiplayer.

i want to know, what type of database we should use to online multiplayer games etc, i first want to know about the theory of web online multiplayer games, type of databases, what he should know to start, nothing about working with unity or understand the code, it will be after, for now i need to understand how online games work with server-web, all this things, anyone know where i can start learn about it? it will be very important for my learning

Thanks :slight_smile:

Google for client/server, which allways should be your first resource if you want to know more about something.
It’s complete free to use Google and you don’t have to wait for an answer.

yes i know, and i dont need that give me all the links etc, only need one list like it:
1Âș learn about it
2Âș learn about it
3Âș about it
etc etc

only want the topics that i need to know and learn :slight_smile:

if you want to do decent networking you need to know as much as you can about the subject.

Agreed. He continuously mentions that it’s really tough like we didn’t get it the first time. It’s almost patronizing.