Web player hosting solutions ?

What can i use to host my web player games ??? or what should i ?

Thinking of using Dropbox but since they removed the Public Folder option for new accounts , i was wondering if it was a good option and if anyone was still using it to host their web player games to the public.

Or if theres is better solutions to host , i don’t mind paying a monthly fee as free hosting sites that put your game up for everyone to play is not an option for me …

What are you using to host your web player games ? TY !

Use Player.IO services.

Visit http://gamesnet.yahoo.com/ and use their GameFS (Game File Server) service to host your files.
Read the documentation on how to use the GameFS.

Before I decided to rent a proper domain for my webhosting I always made use of many free hosts. This does involve some minor knowledge about webhosting. A few I have used in the past:


A google search on free webhosts return a huge array of solutions! I do advice to use 000, it’s the least problematic free hosting service.

( Best advice will always be a paid host, these are available from about 2 bucks a month :slight_smile: )

Nowadays, i think the best hosting solution you can find is: Amazon S3!
Not expensive, with a good bandwidth, user friendly and pretty reliable :slight_smile: