Web player version doesn't work

I can get my game to work in the Chrome Native client, but when I build the web player version and open it in a browser (I’ve tried Chrome, Firefox, and IE), I’m prompted with the “Unity Web Player Install Now!” button. I have the web player installed, and I know it works (I tried the Tropical Paradise demo in both Chrome and Firefox, and it works), but for some reason it’s not detected for my game.

What might cause this behavior?

You potentially have something enabled that prevents the script from running. The Unity 4 webplayer has a new javascript backend that depending on browser can missbehave if you have ‘blocker addons’ present.

I have this problems on OSX with safari if I don’t modify the settings as its defaults prevent the correct operation of the javascript code due to their ‘click on plugin to run’ handling which prevents the unity plugin from starting which makes the Unity script file assume that it was not loadable and hence the plugin not installed.

The island demo is Unity 2 or 3, its javascript container did not detect the presence of the plugin in such a sophisticated way unluckily. As such it will not be hit by the ‘click to active’ problem but a bunch of others :wink:

You didnt mentioned about your os version. Please provide it. I m also having same problem on windows 8 but now its working perfectly.

Okay, so how do I find out what’s blocking it? I’ve disabled all of my extensions and my anti-virus protection, there’s nothing in my Chrome debugging tools console, and I have the web player set to “Always allow” in chrome:plugins. It still deosn’t work, and I don’t have any information as to why not.

I’m running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

Its just a guess not a solution. Check your user accound control settings.

Turned all the way down.