Web Service Call Confirmation

Basically I want some sort of confirmation from mobile end that my executed service call worked perfectly. At present I am using following code for using particular web service.

WWW www = new WWW (url);
     //Load the data and yield (wait) till it's ready before we continue executing the rest of this method.
     yield return www;
     if (www.error == null) {
         //Sucessfully loaded the XML
         Debug.Log ("Loaded following XML " + www.text);
     } else {
         Debug.Log ("ERROR: " + www.error);

As well after call this service, I have following kind of response from web server.

2605866--182619--Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 1.44.34 PM.png
So my question is, to get confirmation about web service call runs successful or not, whether I need to parse web server response? Or any other clever mechanism exist to check successful status of web service called.

Please give me some suggestion in this.

You can create an Action callback within your Method there, or you can compare the www.text that’s returned. Have a Die(“Success”) or failure and compare that returned string as a confirmation

@SubZeroGaming_1 , Web developer replied that whatever he sent comes into json format. So how can I identify this?
Whether I need to parse that response for confirmation?