WebAssembly "ReferenceError: sendMessage is not defined"

We’re getting that error in our WebAssembly builds running in Firefox 64-bit and Canary. Built using 5.6.0b11.

Has Unity or WebAssembly changed how Unity WebGL’s javascript code talks to c# code? We have been using sendMessage, but it is not working in WebAssembly.

It is still in the documentation for 5.6b.


OK, we made a WebGL build in 5.6.0b11 WITHOUT WebAssembly and we still get this error.

afaik nothing changed for that on our end. Can you please send a repro bug report and ping the case number here? Then it’ll get looked at fastest.

Ok, we actually did change something. Take a look here New Unity WebGL Embedding API White Paper - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions on the changes.

Perfect–that fixed it. Thank you!