Hey everyone.
I’m working on porting my game to the WebGL platform, but I’m running into some issues regarding Addressables. Basically, loading prefabs from a remote server is fine. Loading a scene, however, always throws an InvalidKeyException. Interestingly enough, RuntimeKeyIsValid returns true when I check just before trying to load the scene. You can see a screenshot of that here:
My process for the prefabs and scenes are basically the same, so I’m unsure why prefabs will work and scenes won’t. I’ve even tried with a scene that solely consists of a plane, which leads me to believe it isn’t related to memory issues. The game is also being hosted on the same server as the addressables, so I don’t believe this is a CORS issue either. Loading the scene in the editor using built groups also works, although everything is pink, which is to be expected, so I don’t believe it is an error with how I am loading things in.
Has anyone experienced this before? Thanks in advance!
By the way, I’m on Unity 2019.3.1f1 with Addressables version 1.10.0