WebGL and touchscreens

Has anyone done any work with webgl and touch screens, we are having some issues. Specifically a single touch registered as a mouse click on press will not update the mouse positioning or touch positioning… you need to click/touch and drag for the position to update.

As well when using the ui buttons to toggle fullscreen/non full screen, the full screen when clicked needs a second click anywhere in the app to actually trigger.

Any help on this would be amazing…


I’m having the exact same problem now, IN THE FUTURE! :slight_smile:
In my case, you need to drag to rotate the camera around an object. Works great with mouse and even touch on mobile builds, but not in a webgl build on a touch enabled tv screen.

Did you eventually solve it yourself?

This is still a bug with Unity WebGL. See Unity Issue Tracker - Touch events not recognised by IMGUI in WebGL on desktop which is probably what you are encountering.

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is this fixed now? can u confirm?

We fixed this internally but the fix is not available in a released version yet.

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Hi, could you please confirm if the fix is already available in officially released version? We are currently experiencing the same issue on desktop with touch support and portable touchscreen devices (iPhone, iPad, etc.)

Should be. What version are you using? Try latest.

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We are currently using Unity2017. Which is the latest version that should provide the bug fix?

Was fixed in 2017.4.12

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i have same problem and i use 2018.2.14f1

18.2 is not a supported Unity version anymore. Please upgrade to the latest 2018.4 which should have the fix.