Any chance that Transport will ever support Unreliable pipeline in WebGL?
We do not have any concrete plans to support sending traffic using anything other than WebSockets on WebGL, at least not in the short or medium term. To be able to send traffic without reliability guarantees, we’d need a web standard that offers that, and the only non-draft standard I’m aware of that does is WebRTC, which is not very well adapted to our use case.
Yes I had WebRTC in mind as I have seen one game ( using it and it seems to work pretty well for them.
I plan to create turn based web games so I don’t need it at the moment, but still would be nice to have such possibility in the future.
Any news?
I am still interested too.
I know that this is probably not the answer you’d like to read, but the situation has not really changed compared to when I posted my last message. Currently WebSocket is still the only protocol we support for WebGL in Unity Transport, and there are no concrete plans to add more at the moment.