Unity 2022.1.23f1
Addressables 1.20.5
I am working on a project where I am in the process of switching to addressables. I am building a remote catalogue and uploading it into an AWS S3 bucket. The prefabs download correctly from the S3 bucket when I launch the project locally.
However, I get this error when I create a WebGL build and run it in a browser:
“Asset bundle download completed, but no data was received”.
I’m logging the URL of the catalogue and the URL is correct, the permission of the s3 bucket is also set to public.
In addition, I am getting the following error
“RemoteProviderException : Unable to load asset bundle from : https://notofinterest.s3.eu-central-1.amazon…_unitybuiltinshaders_9522e09160790729dbe8c41e0c4c003a.bundle UnityWebRequest result : ConnectionError : No data received in response ResponseCode : 200, Method : GET”
This message is also quite ironic, I mean, an http status of 200 means that the request was successful. But here I get an error.
“OperationException : GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed RemoteProviderException : Unable to load asset bundle from : https://notofinterest.s3.eu-central-1.amazon…bGL/default_assets_all_fe7bd4b31316acf1e50ce250f644065a.bundle UnityWebRequest result : ConnectionError : No data received in response ResponseCode : 200, Method : GET”.
But somehow the bundle is stored in the indexDB:
“[UnityCache] ‘https://notofinterest.s3.eu-central-1.amazon…bGL/default_assets_all_fe7bd4b31316acf1e50ce250f644065a.bundle’ successfully downloaded and stored in indexedDB cache”.
The size of the entry also matches the size of the bundle when I check the indexDB.
What is the meaning of this message? On the one hand, it tells me that there is no data within the reply. On the other hand, the response has some data and the size of the file also matches what I can see in my build output.