Hi, I am getting this error in my browser when playing my webgl build:
Exception: WebGLPlayer does not support synchronous Addressable loading. Please do not use WaitForCompletion on the WebGLPlayer platform.
at UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1[TObject].WaitForCompletion () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
This is the code that handles the localization from the Unity side:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata;
using System.Collections;
public class DropdownLanguageSelector : MonoBehaviour
public Button toggleButton;
public RectTransform dropdownContent;
public GameObject buttonPrefab;
[Header("Toggle Button Display")]
public Image toggleFlagImage;
public TMP_Text toggleLanguageText;
private bool isDropdownOpen = true;
private List<GameObject> spawnedButtons = new List<GameObject>();
private Locale currentLocale;
private void OnDisable()
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged -= UpdateToggleDisplay;
private IEnumerator Start()
// Wait for the localization system to initialize
yield return LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation;
// Now it's safe to use the localization system
Debug.Log("Localization system initialized. Current Locale: " + LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale);
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged += UpdateToggleDisplay;
void ToggleDropdown()
isDropdownOpen = !isDropdownOpen;
// Update button styles to highlight the current locale
void PopulateDropdown()
var locales = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales;
foreach (var locale in locales)
var buttonInstance = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, dropdownContent);
var buttonScript = buttonInstance.GetComponent<LanguageButton>();
if (buttonScript != null)
buttonScript.SetLocale(locale, OnLanguageSelected);
void UpdateToggleDisplay(Locale selectedLocale)
if (selectedLocale == null) return;
currentLocale = selectedLocale;
var metadata = selectedLocale.Metadata.GetMetadata<LocaleMetadata>();
if (metadata != null)
toggleFlagImage.sprite = metadata.Flag; // Custom metadata for flags
toggleLanguageText.text = FormatLocaleCode(selectedLocale.Identifier.Code);
void UpdateButtonStyles()
foreach (var button in spawnedButtons)
var buttonScript = button.GetComponent<LanguageButton>();
if (buttonScript != null)
// Check if the button's locale matches the current selected locale
bool isCurrentLocale = buttonScript.GetLocale() == currentLocale;
// Change button appearance
var buttonImage = button.GetComponent<Image>();
if (buttonImage != null)
buttonImage.color = isCurrentLocale ? Color.red : Color.white;
void OnLanguageSelected(Locale selectedLocale)
// Change the active locale and close the dropdown
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = selectedLocale;
string FormatLocaleCode(string code)
// Force Chinese locale code to be "ZH"
if (code.ToLower().StartsWith("zh"))
return "ZH";
return code.ToUpper();
What must I do to allow the WebGL to work with the locales?