[WebGl] Boats! My first battle mini game in need of feedback

Hey! I recently (like 3 weeks ago) started using unity and made this small game called boats! I had a blast making it but so far no one played it and I would love to get some feedback to improve my work.

Here is a link : Boats by Purple Clam

In this simple free game you control a boat trying to survive in a treacherous sea by killing your opponents and using powerups. (Trust me it ain’t much but it’s honest work)

Thank you all !

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Hi!! The Game has a fun concept, I would love to see health, and try and make the bombs and boats spawn outside a certain radius of the camera, just so players don’t see boats just pop up. I feel this would make the world feel more infinite.


Hey thank you so much for your feedback!! I’ll try to implement health and fix the spawning in the next few days

I just played and the graphics and sound is phenomenal, only thing is i found difficulty quiet hard. I died very soon.

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Hi thanks for your feedback! I might add health to the player later which should help balance difficulty

Hi Donenuts,

I love the game! So simple. Especially with the mechanic of the coins and shop after each play. It’s almost a roguelike :smile:

My feedback:

  • Sometimes frustrating when you aim for a coin and miss it because the hitbox is too small / the boats are hard to manoeuvre.
  • Sometimes frustrating when you are trying to shoot a specific ship, but the aiming is difficult.
  • How do you kill the really fast ghost ships?!?!

I would love to know where you got the assets from? What do you call this specific asset art style (Cartoony, blocky, rounded edges)? And is it a 3D game with a fixed camera angle?

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Hey thank you so much for your feedback !! I’ll make it easier to pick up items in a next update and see if I can come up with something to make aiming less frustrating. Concerning the ghost ship, it can’t be killed for the moment sorry :frowning:

I made all the assets myself using Blender and don’t really know how to call this artstyle. Low poly maybe ? And for the camera yes it’s a 3D game with an orthographic camera at a fixed angle.

Once again thank you for your review! I find it very motivating!


No problem.

Quick question, what do the lemons do? Are they just for improving your high score? It’s not really explained anywhere.

I had another thought while i was reading your reply… When I miss a coin, or want to kill a ship that is either behind me or has just passed me, i need to turn around. But this can take a long time and leaves me vulnerable to other ships… Do you think it could improve the gameplay if you can turn faster when you slow down? Just an idea :slight_smile:

It could also be really cool if you could drop a bomb in your wake that explodes after a few seconds. That way you can get pesky ships off your tail.

Keep going! I love Boats.

Hey! It’s true maybe I should include a short description of each item in the menu. The lemons make you faster and smaller making the beginning of the game more interesting.

Regarding the speed at which you can turn I tried to keep the movement similar to real boats but it’s true that it makes killing enemies behind you quiet hard. That’s why I absolutely love your idea of dropping bombs behind ! I think ot could make the gameplay much better :slight_smile:

Thank you for your ideas!

Hey! I played your game.

I honestly have nothing negative I could say about it.

I love the tiny boats! They are so cool!
The audio is very fitting and enjoyable to listen to.

I think I played it about 15 times all together.

Thumbs up from me!!
Thanks for taking the time to put that together.

(not saying this just to be nice, I honestly thought it was a cool design/idea)

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Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback it means a lot to me!

I plan on adding a lot of content in the future using all the feedback I received and I’ll make sure to post something when an update is coming.

Thanks for playing the game!

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