WebGL build not working in Chrome


I’m currently trying to port a large project from WebPlayer to WebGL, using Unity 5.0.1f1.
My development machine is a 3.4GHz Intel i7 with 24Gb RAM running Windows 8 64-bit.

I’ve got it to a state where a non-development build runs in Firefox (32-bit), with memory size set to 1024Mb. A development build will give OOM errors. For both builds, I used optimisation level “Slow”.
However, it won’t run in Chrome (32-bit), and suggests that I reduce the WebGL memory size. 512Mb gives the same result. 256Mb runs, but then fails to allocate memory in the game.

In another thread, jonas echterhoff, said:

Why is 32-bit Chrome singled out as problematic?

FWIW, I have tried running in Chrome with only one tab, and no other programs open, but this did not change the outcome.
I have also tried 64-bit Chrome, but it failed even sooner (didn’t seem memory related as far as I could tell).
I have also tried “Build and Run” with auto attaching the profiler, but the profiler seemed not to attach, and the brower (Firefox) was not present in the dropdown.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Edit: Just tried “Fastest” optimisation level and got error: “Uncaught RangeError: Invalid typed array length” on first line of the buillt JS file.

Chrome’s JavaScript engine (V8) does a lot of small allocations when parsing large code bases, meaning that Chrome will need a lot of memory and leave memory space fragmented just to parse your code. This may result in not having enough memory left to allocate a big continuous block of memory to run the game.

Firefox uses asm.js to run the code, which is better in memory consumption.

The only thing you can do to avoid this is to make your code size as small as possible. Enable stripping, disable exceptions, make a “Fast” non-development build.

Profiling WebGL on Windows is broken in 5.0. This will be fixed in 5.1.

Thanks Jonas

Just some extra info before I look into your suggestions…

I got it running in Chrome, with memory size set to 256Mb, by stripping out 2 thirds of the game content (this is not a viable solution btw). However on repeated F5 refreshes of the page, it mostly alternated between the memory error popup and a Chrome “Aw, snap!” error page (screenshots of both attached), but occasionally did actually run again. Can you explain this inconsistency? Is it to do with randomness of the fragmentation of memory by Chrome you mentioned?

I will try enabling stripping now.


Yes, errors when refreshing are usually related to memory fragmentation. In a clean run, your tab has plenty of free memory, but once you refresh, you have allocations all over the place, so you no longer have large free continuous blocks of memory as needed for the game to run. The first error happens when Unity fails trying to allocate it’s heap (a block of memory of the size specified in PlayerSettings). The “Oh Snap” crash is typical of Chrome internally running out of memory trying to parse the JS code.

Thank you Jonas. It seems to be working now! :slight_smile:

I have the game with full content running in Chrome, with 256Mb, and stable on repeated refreshes.

It seems that stripping was the key. Is it correct that, for WebGL, all settings other than “none” have the same effect, that is to enabled stripping?

Does enabling stripping help with the fragmentation problem just by reducing the overall JS code size?

Yes (we should really change the UI for this).


Same error on Unity 5.3.0f1 in Chrome. Development Build is work fine. How to fix it?

does it occur when you load the web page ?
does Firefox work ?

Yes and Yes

Console log:

This error is the browser not having enough memory to allocate the Unity Heap (the memory size you configure in WebGL build settings).

How big are code and data ?

This with full exeptions enabled. With 256 mb build was started, but crushes on loading level.

Then I build without full exceptions (Explicitly thrown exeptions only), i have next error:

And build not working

Now Development build not working :frowning:

Uncaught abort(132) at Error

at jsStackTrace (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:1057:12)

at stackTrace (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:1071:21)

at abort (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:3224984:43)

at nullFunc_ii (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:15243:2)

at Array.b132 (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:3219957:2)

at __ZN5Unity8Material14CreateMaterialER6Shaderib [Unity::Material::CreateMaterial(int&, bool)] (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:2095691:72)

at __ZN2UI20GetDefaultUIMaterialEv [UI::GetDefaultUIMaterial()] (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:2913678:7)

at Array.__Z38Canvas_CUSTOM_GetDefaultCanvasMaterialv [Canvas_CUSTOM_GetDefaultCanvasMaterial()] (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:3193657:54)

at Object.dynCall_i (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:3217164:35)

at invoke_i (blob:http%3A//xxx.com/c9e9a260-215c-4697-be84-112811206b31:16829:29)

I suspect that disabling exceptions exposed a different problem. Could you please try to disable “Strip Engine Code” ?

Its already disabled. If this option is enabled, it does not load many classes.

If it matters, I use this asset to load bundles Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

Is there any development on this? Having same errors while loading in firefox, using Unity 5.3

what are the repro steps ?