WebGl build problems

Hello everyone, I once again changed my game, made a WebGL build and got these errors, I tried several times to change the location of the build, but to be honest, I have no idea what to do and why it happened.
7876465--1001485--webgl.png 7876465--1001488--webgl2.png

First verify your installation and toolchain by making an empty project with one scene and perhaps a cube, and get that to build to WebGL (or any other target you care about).

If you cannot get that to build, fix your installation.

If that does build, then you can begin investigating what is wrong inside your project.

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It seems that the problem is in my project, I have such an error for the first time so I just don’t know what to play with in the project to solve this problem.

Yeah, when the error message is unhelpful it can be kind of annoying to find stuff. You basically have to start deleting stuff in your project and then bandaging up the bleeding and trying the build, again and again until you delete everything.

The first place to start is any third party libraries or networking or threading code, because that often has WebGL difficulties.

NOTE: I assume you are using proper source control so you can fearlessly delete ANYTHING in your project at will, try to build it, then click a button to revert. If you are not using source control, STOP and immediately start doing so.