WebGL error while running in localhost

Took a webgl build in unity 2019.4 with gzip compression and webassembly streaming enabled. When I run the build in local host the following error shown. check screenshot below.

Your first error relates to MIME type, so if you haven’t seen this already maybe it’s helpful:

“For WebAssembly streaming compilation to work, the server needs to return .wasm with an application/wasm MIME type.”

First, thank you for your reply.
I have gone through the unity manual, as like I added .htaccess file into the build folder and I got the following error.
the screenshot of error, build files, .htaccess file given below .



I don’t know much about this kind of thing to be helpful. I can only suggest you try getting it working with compression turned off first. That way the potential causes are narrowed down a bit - also if there’s a “decompression fallback” option in your version of the editor you could try that along with compression. You could also try restarting your web services or system if there’s been changes that weren’t applied as expected there’s a chance that’ll help.

OK thnks. actually my actual problem is webgl loading time. my build is about 28mb, I have internet speed about nearly 50Mbps even if its it took more than 10sec to the build into the browser(I checked browser console). do you have any idea about it. is there any limitation in unity personal version ?

Hi, Do you get any solution?