[WebGL] Failed to load resource using Addressables, Quic Protocol error

Hello, I’ve been implementing addressable assets for my WebGL project, and there are many issues that I’ve found on my way… but there is one in particular that I cannot solve, or better said, the solution I’ve found don’t convince me.
The problem is when the game tries to load an addressable from the server I get the following error only on google chrome:


I know I can solve this problem by disabling the Experimental QUIC Protocol in the chrome settings, but this isn’t a solution for me, as the game is targeted for chrome books, if the QUIC protocol is something that comes by default in Chrome, this would mean that every single user that wants to play the game have to change it’s browser settings in order to do so.

So, my question is, is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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This is odd, I’ve not heard of this. Have you filed a bug with Unity? This may be an issue on either our side or the WebGL team.

the problem seems to be gone after this new year, I’m not sure if it was a new version of chrome or the new version of the addressable package what solved the problem.
But anyway, if I step into this issue again I’ll fill a bug as suggested. Thank you!

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