WebGL ParticleSystem.GeometryJob huge overhead


I’m rendering to WebGL and getting terrible performance…
I’m fairly certain it has something to do with the particles, but I’m inexperienced enough to not know how to properly troubleshoot it.

In the editor, everything is silky smooth…
Here are some comparison profiler snap shots.

This one is the profiler when running the game in Chrome via WebGL

and here’s the same scene running in Unity.

As you can see, ParticleSystems.Geometryjob is consistently taking a long time to run each frame when in WebGL. Whereas the only thing that’s causing spikes when running in unity itself is Batchrenderer.Flush
Any help in understanding what is happening would be appreciated. So far, when searching for a solution myself, I’ve either come up short of found a thread where someone said it was a bug, but in an older version of unity.
Is this a bug?
I’m using 5.3.4f1 Personal

Also, if this is the wrong forum to ask this question, please let me know. I’ve never posted before…

Firefox 64Bit runs considerably better, but the blob script hangs a lot when using that browser…
Also, when profiling the game in Firefox 64bit, the same PArticlSystems.GeomtryJob is still the highest resource hogging thing.

so… bump? :slight_smile:


I see someone with the same kind of problem here Jittery Frame Rate with 120ms+ for PartilceSystem.GeometryJob execution - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
but still no answer

I have this problem too… Nowhere can not find solutions

WebGl is currently limited to a single thread whereas the editor and most other platforms are not. That particular job would normally run on multiple threads. We also don’t have the simd and c++ speed advantages as the editor. ParticleSystem.GeometryJob is where we build the vertex buffer. You have probably got a (semi) complex mesh particle system, for it to take that long. or a lot of billboard particles.