I have been posting WebGL content for a while now. My first online app was a 3D viewer I published on 2019 and it had a relatively good quality, see image 2019.
But I had to update to a higher version of Unity, so now I get a worse quality on the same viewer and the same 3d models then on unity 2019, I thought I will get a better one. See image 2022
I can’t user Unity 6000 because some of my features don’t work. But how can I make my 3D viewer have the same quality even when published on Unity 2022?
All is just the same, the 3D viewer is loading assets files, the assets are 100% the same, the code and everything in the 3d viewer project is just the same, even now I still have the older projects on my Unity Hub if I build it and upload it to my site, it will look the same as before, but using the newer project which is the same, but was converted to Unity 2022, I get the low quality again.
I was looking on the project settings in player>other settings, and in quality settings, I even changed config.devicePixelRatio = 1; to 2 in the index.html file.
Everything was generally the same. The conversion didn’t change anything. I thought that on 2019 if you go to Player settings > other settings and you uncheck Auto Graphics Api, you can see that if you click on opengl 2 on the 2019 project, it has to install it, but then also on the 6000 build I made the with the exact same project after conversion and got the good graphics again, so it is not that the 2019 build is running on an older version of WebGL.
I tried changing the compression format, didn’t make any difference, and on the 2019 and 6000 build the compression format was the same DXT.
the Override for Web property I couldn’t find, I can see it is in the Player settings, but I can’t find it. Under what section is it?
I think it is something about the lightning. the contrast of the light seems to be different. The difference between the shaded faces that don’t face the light and the once that face the light is different, anyone has any idea where settings that effect these properties of the rendering can be found?
I thought to myself, who says the problem is with the export to WebGL, the objects I open in the viewer are assets that contain prefabs made a log time ago, I didn’t check who these prefabs are opened in the different versions of unity, maybe the different versions of unity are showing the same file differently and then as a result the webgl viewer is showing them differently, meaning the problem is not with the export.
And this is exactly what I saw here is the image of the prefab on unity 2022, it is just as the WebGL viewer shows it:
And I have the feeling this extra light coming from somewhere is causing the image to look self illuminated or something, who do I get rid of this extra light with no source?
go to: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings > Environment
set SkyManager by setting Intensity Multiplier to 0.
and set Environmental lightning to color and select black color
The question is, is there a way I can add this Ambient light, this environmental light locally, as part of the scene, not as part of the viewer? in case I want to use this effect for a particular scene. I saw a property on the light object called indirect Multiplier, but it has no effect on the brightness of the object, at least not one that I have noticed.