WebGL Safari videos will not play

I am trying to use the video player for a WebGL project. Videos will play fine on Chrome and Firefox, but on Safari I receive the following error.

Unhandled Promise Rejection: NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.

The videos are not set to auto-play, user must press a play button.

If a user changes their auto-play option for the page to not “Stop media with sound” the video will play, however asking our users to change their settings is not an option, and regardless the media is not auto-playing.

Our workaround in the past has been to split the audio into a separate mp3 file that we also load and sync to the video, but this is not an ideal solution.

Is there a simpler workaround to get videos working properly in Safari?


Did you ever find a solution to this? Seems still unfixed as of 2019.1.10. I’m going to submit a bug report if there’s no work-around.

I’m having troubles with Unity Video Player for years now… this system is really a problem to our app. We have a similar problem. Unity doesn’t even give any information about that issue.

Any updates/fixes here?

apparently not


I still got problem to load url for video in videoplayer unity in safari and ios chrome.

Having the same issue, have tried everything I can think of though mine works in every browser except Safari.

I was able to make it work in Safari. Have a look at my response here

it didn’t :frowning:

I made an asset to play videos on webgl, it works on Safari as well: Video Player WebGL | Video | Unity Asset Store

Hello, I am also wondering if you have found an easier workaround to make videos work properly in Safari?

Any news on this? Anyone? Hello?

sees good, any way to try it before buy?

@Ikaro88_1 No, but I guarantee it works. Please see the vid and reviews. If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to contact me!