Telepítés utáned the Unity Hub, when i tryed downloaded every version, i allways give a Fail message. Then I go the download archive and there i downloaded the 2022.3.22f1 lst version. My question is this version in this downloaded mode contains the WebGL mode or not?

yes you need to install the module

how can i do this? I saw on the youtube , i can click on the setting button and there apear add modul. when i click the settings button there apear two message: Show in explorer, and Remove from Hube

ignoring the version number it always works the same

so on the installs tab

on your version click the cog at the right

add modules

pick what you need…

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But when i click that button this opcion is not appear for me.

Csak két üzenet jelenik meg:
“Megjelenítés az Intézőben”
“Remove from Hub”

This appear for me

then it sounds like you didnt install the editor through hub. you can still go to the unity download page, and download the module and install it manually

Menj ide: https://unity.com/releases/editor/whats-new/2022.3.22 és töltsd le a WebGL-támogatást (WebGL Build Support - x86-64-windows, értelemszerűen, ha más operációs rendszered van, akkor az annak megfelelőt töltsd le).

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I will do this. Thank you

Thank you very much everyone, because now i was one step closer to my goals.

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