WebGLMovieTexture video overlays full screen as well as on textured surface

I’m using WebGLMovieTexture to texture a plane with a small video, but I find that when I’m within a certain range of the plane (haven’t figured it out precisely), the video is popped in with transparency over the top of the entire window of the game.

You can see this in the screenshot - the video is textured onto the floating plane, but is also visible as a transparency over the whole scene. (Note that the video playing is, indeed, a video screencaptured from the game it’s in, which is perhaps a little more confusing than necessary – sorry, that’s the nature of the thing I’m making.)

Anyone have any thoughts about what this might be? It looks neat, but naturally isn’t what I want! I don’t recall seeing it in the example test scene with the cube that comes with WebGLMovieTexture, but it’s also the case that you don’t move around in that scene…

Update: It seems that this is tied to the directional light in the scene (it affects the sample scene as well), as if the video is bring projected onto the light as well. This despite the fact the script is definitely not attached to the light, and when I trace the constructor for the WebGLMovieTexture it is only called the one time. It also only happens with a directional light (point light and spotlight were unaffected as far as I could tell). Continuing to investigate.

Update: I can now also say it seems to only occur when the directional light is Realtime – just made a baked version of the scene and the problem isn’t there.

Final update: So this goes away if I switch to the deferred render path for lighting. And it also goes away if I add a second directional light to the scene. I can’t claim to understand any of it, but I’m not going to spend more time on it for my personal project. If you run into this, try those things!