WebGPU build blank if animated 2D character included?

I’m trying out WebGPU build on 6000.0.20f1 and also 2D is kind of new area for me.
If I build the project and run it goes instantly black and in Chrome’s dev area console the following messages are constantly generated:

Validation: [Texture (unlabeled 397x564 px, TextureFormat::RG11B10Ufloat)] usage (TextureBinding|RenderAttachment) includes writable usage and another usage in the same synchronization scope.
 - While validating render pass usage.
 - While finishing [CommandEncoder (unlabeled)].

Validation: [Invalid CommandBuffer] is invalid.
 - While calling [Queue].Submit([[Invalid CommandBuffer]])

I tried various build settings without success.

But I was able to find the culprit in the only animated character of the scene (boned, skinned, packed with shadow casters). If I turn off its GameObject, and build the scene again, it works fine.

Question: what can be the cause? Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks for reporting the issue. I’ve run into this issue from time to time, it’s a pain. I’ll look into getting it sorted out. The issue is that WebGPU is much more strict validating states than any other API, and tries to protect against potential problems even if there is no actual problem. In this case a texture is being rendered to and sampled from in the same draw call. I don’t think there’s anything you’ll be able to do about it, in the driver I try to detect this situation and it will have to duplicate the texture internally to be sampled from, so the render doesn’t happen to the same texture. I have checked animated 2d objects, at least with the Dragon Crashers project. If you have a small repo project that would save me the work of trying to find a repo.

Thanks for getting back! How could I help, what would you need, and how should I share it?
A prefab? The built scene itself? An overview on the whole “project” with granting access on Unity Dashboard? :slight_smile:

If you could send me a project or prefab, you can even just DM me a zip, that would help save me the time of trial&error creating a repo, and I’ll know what I’m seeing is what you’re seeing. You could file a bug for it too, but I’ll just look at it directly if you send it to me.