Unity, stop using emscripten and write a native Javascript WebGPU build.

Just get it done and stop moaning, hire some people with real web/browser development experience.

Anyone who has no idea why don’t comment.

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You mean like three.js and babylon.js?

Rants like this aren’t very constructive.

There are ex-Mozilla people working at Unity, so they do have experience. There is also Project Tiny, which is built from the ground up for the web instead of trying to make the entirety of Unity available like WebGL does.


The one who shouldn’t comment things like this is you, yourself.

WebGPU is still in early development. I’m sure Unity will support this in the future when it is nearly ready or ready for production builds.
Sure the current state of WebGL sucks for performance. afaik Safari didn’t even continue with WebGL 2.0 because WebGPU is on the way. It’s not just Unity that has to implement features but all major browsers have to support them as well. We didn’t get SharedArrayBuffers (SAB) due to Spectre, SAB would enable Unity to use MultiThreading for WebGL, boosting performance. It is only recently that Firefox re-enabled SAB, Chrome already had it re-enabled for some time but Safari?.. Still behind. As long as Major browsers are being slow in development Unity won’t be able to do much about it on their side either. You can enable MultiThreading though, but if you have clients running on Safari well too bad for them.

So maybe instead of running around yelling “WebGPU now!”, read around about the current status of all tech that is there. Or you know, if you can do a better job, go apply at Unity to implement it yourself.