Webkit for iOS

Webkit for iOS is the all-in-one solution to create native iOS WebViews in your games. With Webkit integrating a WebView in your game will be as easy as writing 2 lines of code!

Webkit for iOS on the Asset Store

Here there are the features:

  • Create Webviews in any position and of any size in the screen.
  • Load any iOS supported web page in it.
  • Set custom URL prefixes to trigger in game callback when specific URL links are clicked by the user (i.e. load a level when the user clicks on a certain image!)
  • Execute JavaScript code right from your game code to the WebView!
  • Set the WebView alpha level to make it blend nicely on top of your game scene.
  • A strong set of native callbacks make it so that your game can react to any event triggered by the WebView.

Sounds great!!!
Thank you!

There is no prefab as stated in the import where is it?