Hello, I just downloaded Unity in hopes of using it as another platform for my work. I want to display walk through simulations on my website. My background is in 3D so I do have a lot of experience with coding. Right now I am starting with the Bare basics, doing the tutorial Roll-A-Ball. Before I continue spend time on learning Unity, I figured I would ask if what I am seeking to do is possible? And if the way I’m going about achieving it the best way? And when I say that I mean by means of doing all the basic tutorials. Remember I’m not looking to make a game just a walk through simulation to be displayed on my webpage.
Yes, there’s no reason you can’t embed a 3D walkthrough simulation onto a webpage. With Unity 5, you now have the option of using the embedded Unity web player plugin, or WebGL (work in progress), so you have options, even.
Just keep in mind that WebGL really is still WIP and only officially supports Firefox at the moment due to its use of asm.js. That being said, yes it’s totally possible. I’ve seen several non game examples… some people use Unity strictly for building training simulations (there’s an example video for an HVAC company on Youtube) and I saw one awhile back that was a walkthrough of an art gallery with interactive art pieces.
On day 2 of Unity 5’s release, I tried compiling an imported 4.6.2 project to WebGL and basically crashed my older MacBook. So I haven’t gotten much past that point with it. But my assumption is that in the coming months, it should continue to improve as a platform. Fingers Crossed
okay cool, Doing this Roll-A-Ball tutorial I am noticing that the current Unity, Unity 5, is not what was used for the tutorial. I get errors when it comes to the scripting part.
Well, error messages are pretty self-explanatory for the most part so if you know a little bit of C# it shouldn’t be a problem to fix them. If you don’t know C#, I’d suggest starting by learning it (there are lots of tutorials online). It’s very fun language and the only thing ever Microsoft has done right.
There’s also an unofficial Skype group but it’s more for general banter and Unity related (and unrelated) chitchat, so wouldn’t be super helpful for you at this point.
Although the Roll-a-ball tutorial hasn’t been ported yet, Unity Technologies also has a lot of great assets on the asset store… sort by release date to look at the most recent ones. There is some Unity 5 specific stuff there like the Unity Labs demo and Corridor Lighting example, Viking Village, etc.
I wouldn’t worry about the ball rolling demo as the standard asset package has the basic walking controllers you need.
Then you can import your own models, setup some colliders (easiest quick way is a mesh collider, but better performance if you hand craft them from box colliders) and walk around in your own 3D world!
Then just build them test them and upload them to your website!
Great I finished the tutorial, and it ends with uploading it online. I tried checking it out on my phone Nokia Lumia 520, but it didn’t work, does unity work on mobile webpages?
Hmm, I may need to upgrade my IE version then. Currently WebGL simply refuses to run. Chrome runs okay, and with sound, but the sound quality is pretty terrible.