Hi guys,
I’m having a problem with crashes that occurs only on some computers while using our webplayer. Basically, it happens while downloading a texture and applying it to an object.
We’re working on Unity 3.5, and the computer getting the crashes is on win7 64 bit, ATi Radeon HD 5570. Here are the logs. A full version can be found here http://pastebin.com/TXBjYuYj :
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: ‘.;C:\Users\xxx\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\WebPlayer\loader;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;SRVC:\websymbolshttp://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;’, symOptions: 530, UserName: ‘xxx’
OS-Version: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) 0x100-0x1
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe:plugin-container.exe (00010000), size: 24576 (result: 0), SymType: ‘-nosymbols-’, PDB: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe’, fileVersion:
========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================
(0x05206A34) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityWinWebStartData + 0xaba44
(0x04FA3721) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x05050EF6) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): NamedObject::Transfer + 0x6103c
(0x050C7EDF) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer + 0x30cc2
(0x051B8AB3) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityWinWebStartData + 0x5dac3
(0x1D439FB5) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GUIStyle:Internal_CalcMinMaxWidth (intptr,UnityEngine.GUIContent,single&,single&) + 0x2d (1D439F88 1D439FD0) [026B4D20 - Unity Child Domain] + 0x0
(0x1D439F73) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): UnityEngine.GUIStyle:CalcMinMaxWidth (UnityEngine.GUIContent,single&,single&) + 0x1b (1D439F58 1D439F78) [026B4D20 - Unity Child Domain] + 0x0
(0x0FF0DA9B) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Gui:DrawControls () + 0x73 (0FF0DA28 0FF0DB73) [026B4D20 - Unity Child Domain] + 0x0
(0x0FF0D8EC) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Gui:OnGUI () + 0x12c (0FF0D7C0 0FF0D8F6) [026B4D20 - Unity Child Domain] + 0x0
(0x0FECE219) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x41 (0FECE1D8 0FECE26D) [026B4D20 - Unity Child Domain] + 0x0
(0x065CFCF6) (mono-1-vc): (filename not available): mono_set_defaults + 0x22bf
(0x0653D603) (mono-1-vc): (filename not available): mono_runtime_invoke + 0x51
(0x050F9D12) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer + 0x62af5
(0x0515AE81) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityGetError + 0x8cf
(0x0515AFD0) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityWinWebLoop + 0x149
(0x1000C786) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): NP_GetEntryPoints + 0x7e9e
(0x10003349) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): UT_Uninstall + 0x100c
(0x1000321E) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): UT_Uninstall + 0xee1
(0x100072D8) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): NP_GetEntryPoints + 0x29f0
(0x773962FA) (USER32): (filename not available): gapfnScSendMessage + 0x332
(0x77396D3A) (USER32): (filename not available): GetThreadDesktop + 0xd7
(0x773977C4) (USER32): (filename not available): CharPrevW + 0x138
(0x7739788A) (USER32): (filename not available): DispatchMessageW + 0xf
(0x56694F41) (xul): (filename not available): NS_InvokeByIndex + 0xa126
(0x56E9F948) (xul): (filename not available): XRE_InitChildProcess + 0x442
(0x00011213) (plugin-container): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x77D29F45) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x36
========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
140131 10:11:47 Setting error display: 'The content was stopped because a fatal
content error has been detected.', details: ‘’, link: 0
web: shutdown player
140131 10:11:47 loader: final cleanup
140131 10:11:47 loader: unload unity dll